How can I validate my data entry? 

To verify your customers’ addresses, print out the Customer List (under the Customer heading on the task bar). To verify your customers’ bank routing and account numbers and all other debit information, access Customers/Recurring Debit by Date and download the report into an Excel format. Once you have saved this report, you can delete the columns you don’t need and print out the report to validate the pertinent customer information.

If I don’t receive my Daily Deposit Slip by email, how will I know which drafts have been deposited?

Access Administrator/Check Reconciliation Report to view an actual reflection of items that are both being deposited into and bouncing out of your bank account – and on which dates. Select “detail” after selecting your date parameters so that you may view the customers’ names in addition to the daily dollar totals.

What is the difference between “Add New Checks” and “Add Customer”?  And which one should I use for entering my data?

“Add Customer” only allows you to add your customer information (name, address, phone, bank routing and account info), whereas “Add New Checks” allows you to fill in all the customer information, save it, and then create the debit information (debit date, dollar amt, start and end dates). It is recommended to use “Add New Checks” so that you can enter the entire customer record at one time, rather than having to search for the new customer (created in “Add Customer”) and adding the debit information separately. (See Help Tab #1)


Can I go “live” right away, or do I need to enter my entire database first?

If you are comfortable with your data entry, you can go “live” at any time. If your entire customer database is not entered, you simply need to stay ahead of the debit dates of your customers to make sure they are debited appropriately. For example, for the upcoming debit date of the 10th, it is recommended that those customers’ records be entered into the system by the 5th. This will allow a “cushion” for weekends and holidays. (See Help Tab #10)

If a customer wishes to pay cash in exchange for their monthly draft, how much notification do I need in order to stop the electronic transaction?

All draft items are transmitted the business day before the actual debit date. For example: Tuesday the 2nd will transmit on Monday the 1st at approx. 4 p.m. CST. Wednesday the 3rd will transmit on Tuesday the 2nd, and so on. Fridays’ transmissions will include Sat., Sun., and Mondays’ debits. So, technically, unless it is a Friday, you could stop the debit (by using our “Skip Months” feature – See Help Tab #3) on the day before the debit date. If you are unsure if it is too late, access Customers/Recurring Debit by Date and view the items on the top of the list. If the customer’s name is still on that list for the current month, it has not transmitted to the bank and can be edited to skip that month. If it is not on the top of the list because it has dropped to the following month, it is too late to stop.

Can I credit a customer immediately when I know I have drafted her in error?

We recommend that you wait 2-3 business days to ensure that the debit does not bounce back. If you credit someone, and the original item bounces, you have now reimbursed a customer for a payment you never received. (See Help Tab #8)

Can I electronically debit a customer for products and enrollment fees even though they are not recurring debits?

Yes. All payments can be processed through DepositExpress as long as you have written authorization to do so. You can generate a form that your customer would sign (similar to your original customer agreement) that gives you permission to debit the account for the appropriate dollar amount on the specified date. (This courtesy will allow your customer the option to post-date a check!) Your customer’s signature on that form is an acceptable authorization. Keep a copy of this on file and create a one-time debit. (See Help Tab #5)

I do take checks for products and services (not recurring), but I don’t feel comfortable processing them through DepositExpress. What happens if those checks bounce?

In your Welcome Packet, we include a Bank Authorization form for you to return to us so that CybrCollect can manage those “outside” checks as well. If your bank charges you a “bounce fee” of more than $2.00, our Express Returns service is recommended. That option is also mentioned on the Bank Authorization form. 


If a customer alerts me that her draft has bounced and has already paid me in cash, do I need to notify CybrCollect?

Yes, please. Unless we hear from you, CybrCollect will continue to try to collect on a bounced draft until it is paid. Please call customer service immediately @888-340-9205 to notify them of a payment. We do not want to jeopardize your customer relationships.

Several of my customers’ debits bounced due to incorrect account/routing information (R03’s and R04’s).  Once I correct my database, will the debits be resubmitted automatically?  What about C03’s and C04’s on my NOC report?

You will need to create a one-time debit for each of the R03 and R04 customers to collect your payments for the current month. The subsequent months will, however, all transmit based on the updated account information. (See Help Tab #5)

The C03 and C04 items have been deposited into your account. The NOC Report (See Help Tab #9) is to notify you that your information needs to be updated, but as a courtesy, the banks have re-routed the items for you. To avoid accumulating $1.00 fees, make the corrections promptly.

How am I to pay for this service, and when do I receive an invoice?

The invoices are generated on or about the 5th of each month and will be sent to you via email. Your account will be electronically debited on the 15th of each month for the previous month’s charges. If you have specific questions regarding any fees, please call the DepositExpress office.

I have two customers – a mother and her daughter. Why can’t I create two customer records for them? The system wouldn’t allow me to save the second record.

The system will not allow two customers to exist with the same bank routing and account information. In this case, the mother is probably paying for the daughter, so they are sharing the same account. You need to enter the actual account holder as your customer (using the name, address, acct. from original voided check) and then create an additional debit (See Help Tab #5) and identify each customer by using the “Paying For” field. (See Help Tab #4.) 

What if my customer’s draft is being debited from her husband’s account? 

It is EXTREMELY important that you ALWAYS use the account holder’s information in the “Add Customer” fields – in this case, the husband’s information. For your reference, you can enter the wife’s name in the “Paying For” field. (See Help Tab #4.) CybrCollect must have the account holder’s name and address when attempting to collect on a bounced draft. 

I can’t remember if I created a one-time debit for a customer whose draft bounced with incorrect account information. Do I have to access the Check Reconciliation Report and scroll through all those debits?

No. A Customer History is now available to view each customer’s activity. Search for the customer by accessing Customer/Search Customer. Select the appropriate name and then click on the interactive “History” link. You may need to edit the date parameters at the bottom of this report to broaden your search. You should be able to determine the original presentment, the bounce, and the one-time re-debit by evaluating the “Check Dates.”

What number should I use for the Customer ID number?

Several of our customers are using a Keytag ID#. You can use any number as long as it is unique for each customer. You can also re-use the customer's name, or a portion of it, if you don't wish to assign a number. It must be unique though, so if you have customers sharing the same last name, you will need to define them with further detail.

Who should I contact for help?

Payliance Merchant Services at 800-634-4484 or